Wednesday, November 02, 2005

That's what I mean by groping. You try something and hope for the best.

It's really no wonder I'm screwed up. Sunday night I took a little break from studying and sent out an email to the family giving them a quick update about what's been going on and what I'm up to because I haven't done so in a while. Usually everybody is happy to hear from me and to know that things are going well, and I get nice little emails back. Not this time. My wonderful, sarcastic, cheeky father wrote me back with this:


Thank you for the submittal of your form letter. As you can imagine, we recieve a high volume of form letters, and are unable to personally respond to each of them. Never the less, we do appreciate your effort at communicating, and encourage you to continue. You might also try other methods such as Instant Messenger (we can provide links to appropriate clients for this if you need them) or even the old fashioned but always loved telephone.

Again, thank you for your coorsponednce.

Parental Units, Inc.

(this response was auto generated. responding to it may or may not reach anyone human).

He didn't even spell my name right! It's D-e-N-I-s-e, not D-e-I-N-s-e! Though it would be kind of funny if my name were Denise van Deinse. But seriously, that is the funniest thing I've received via email, and I would expect, nor would I want, any less from my dad. It just further proves I was raised in a weird and completely twisted environment, and there was never any chance of me being "normal." I've come to accept it, even love it... I just hope other people do too :P

The title today is something my physics professor said in class the other day. We were talking about Atomic H and Thompson's Model, and I don't totally remember what exactly he was talking about, but he said that and it was just too funny not to write down. He does that a lot, he gets all excited about physics and says funny stuff, that's even funnier taken out of context. Speaking of which, I have an exam in that class tomorrow as well as my computer engineering class. I'm probably going to die. Then next Thursday I get to go take the GRE's, at which point I will probably die again. And then two weeks from yesterday Grimm is due and I'll probably die at least one more time. Death is seeming fairly inevitable right now.

Grimm makes me grim. Friday (10/28) we (the programming team) spent 12 hours in the Bunker... yes 12 hours! From 2pm Friday afternoon until 2am Saturday morning. We got a lot done, and had fun doing it. We finally got the animations for our PC, and so we loaded some of them into the game, they were really funny. There's this one, where he's supposed to be climbing a rope, but taken out of context (which is how we like things) he looks like he's humping the air. We had a really good laugh playing with the animations. Chad (project manager) almost cried, which made me and Emily (fellow programmer) laugh even harder. Overall it was a fun and very productive night in my opinion, unfortunately there's still a lot to be done, and a very short amount of time to do it in. Makes me nervous. I'm going to be so happy when we're finally done with it... then I can spend a little time and make up a t-shirt design that says "Grimm makes me grim", it'll be fun :) Mostly right now I just want my life/soul back.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

At least your father didn't call you Dense! HAHA!

And didn't take me all day to come up with that.