Monday, December 05, 2005

Kicking ass and taking names

I seriously hate being right sometimes... it would be so nice to be wrong for a change. I feel like we've been beating a dead horse for the last 2 and a half weeks to no avail. In the words of Dr. McCoy "He's dead, Jim."

In other news I got my recommendation forms out today and have most of my personal statement written. I just need to put a few polishing touches on it for each school and get everything sent off. Staying here wouldn't be so bad, especially if someone else fights my funding battle for me... I still don't know, it's a tough decision. For now I just need to get all that stuff in and think about it later... like if I get any acceptance letters back.

Only one more week until the end of the semester! Have a couple projects left to finish up, and then studying until I can't see straight... but I'm done technically by next Wednesday, but really by Tuesday afternoon. Hooray! I shouldn't really be getting too excited. Next semester, even though I only have 12 credits, is still going to be busy. I'm taking 19th century art history, game design and development (yes, again. I'm a masochist), principles of programming languages, and philosophy of technology. It's going to be fun. In the mean time I need to finish this semester's courses, figure out what I'm getting all the pains in my ass on my Christmas list for Christmas, and write my annual Christmas/End of the Year letter. Busy busy busy busy busy all the time. But if I wasn't I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

I had 12 credits both of my final two semesters yet they were about the busiest of my college career. Could be that I just put a little more effort into them....

You're gonna LOVE doing Scheme in 342. I spend an unholy number of hours working on homeworks in that class even though the homeworks only accounted for something like 20% or 30% of the final grade. Still it was actually one of my favorite com sci classes.