Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Last semester as an undergrad!

Wow... last semester as an undergrad, and possibly my last semester at good old Iowa State. I can hardly believe it's already been 4 years, time has literally flown by. Talk about cushy senior schedule this semester though. My earliest class (not counting my one recitation) isn't until 12:30pm. One class on Monday/Wednesday, 3 classes on Tuesday/Thursday, and I don't have any class or work on Friday. It's pretty sweet. The classes I'm taking aren't all that bad either: 19th Century Art History, Principals of Programming Languages, Philosophy of Technology and independent study for Game Design and Development. All in all it should be a pretty fun semester.

I've got all my applications in to graduate schools. I ended up applying to Iowa State University (ISU), University of Pennsylvania (UPenn), Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), and Georgia Tech (GTech). Now I get to sit and play the waiting game... not my most favorite of games. I'm still really pulling for UPenn, but I'm not betting on it. My only sure bet at this point is ISU and some days I'm not even to sure about that.

That's about it right now. Graduating in May, hopefully I'll get in to grad school somewhere, if not I suppose I could get a job ;) Life is good and I couldn't be happier.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

I'm glad things are going so well. Could you send some of the goodness my way? (I've got an interview on Monday!)