Wednesday, May 18, 2005

A class about porn... wtf!?

Those crazy, drunken Hawkeyes are at it again, only this time it's porn instead of booze. I heard about it this morning on the radio, but didn't catch the full story, so I hit the Press Citizen to check it out. It's not as bad as it initially sounds. It's a class about how porn affects today's society and our every day lives. Which is actually kind of interesting, because, anymore, sex is everywhere. And of course, as to be expected, some in the Legislature are throwing a small fit because it's a public school and they're still messing with the education budget. Just more threats from them about cutting some funding... hell, tuition's going up anyway, who's going to notice a little more? Maybe while they're at it they should offer a class about how beer affects society too, and what better place to offer it other than UI... 'cause in heaven there is no beer (prob no porn either). Props Hawks.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Sheep I tell you, they're all sheep! 43%... 43%!!! of Americans poled find that the press has too much freedom. Unbelievable! And only 14% of those polled know that the First Amendment entitles freedom of the press. How dumb can people possibly be? And to think that the press has too much freedom? Do they really want news media that is mandated by the government? Do they have any idea what that might be like? I can't, and don't even want to imagine what that might be like. It's bad enough with all the FCC regulations on tv and the radio. Wow, at the rate things are going right now we might as well just scrap the whole Constitution and start over again. Aparently it just isn't working out any more... too much free "liberal" press, the government minority is too vocal, hell, the minorities in general are getting out of hand, demanding all the same rights as majority citizens. Someone needs to stop them before things get out of hand and the other sheep wake up and realize what's going on. I mean, it's ridiculous, who do they think they are anyway? Ok, enough sarcasm... It just really irritates me that people can be so stupid and so uneducated. They're like lemures... whatever the head lemur does, the rest do. Oh well what are you gonna do other than point your finger and laugh later when they finally learn they're wrong.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Why insist on changing what works

Why is it suddenly a big deal that the minority can filibuster to keep things that they don't want to happen from happening? And why is this something that we now need to change? The majority (Republicans) in the Senate want to end a 200+ year right to filibuster judicial nominations, and to some extent any nominations by the president, which I don't understand. It's stupid, the right to filibuster was put in for a reason, so judges that are too conservative or too liberal can't just be pushed through. But because currently it's a conservative president and a conservative Senate they refuse to think about what it would be like if the situation is reversed. Eventually it's going to change, there will be new senators, a new president, and then what? Then they'll complain that they don't have the right to filibuster... but they'll be the ones who will have gotten rid of it in the first place. There is a reason things were setup the way they were, the minority needs to be protected, whether the minority be liberal or conservative, because their opinion matters too. It really scares me, the new trend of if we don't like something, lets just change the constitution so it works for us. Let's not think about the repercussions, or the rights we may be violating, we just want our way and we want it now.

On a totally unrelated note, I think the barrage of German spam that has been infiltrating my iastate email account has finally stopped! It's about time AIT fixed the problem. Sometimes I seriously wonder if they know what they're doing over there. Rumor has it that one of their web servers, or webmaster accounts, was some how infiltrated and was sending out tons of German spam. It was wonderful... checking my email and having over 100 new messages, most of which were in German. Supposedly the problem was fixed last night, but I still had about 20 when I checked first thing this morning... now they're just going to my spam folder. I wish they'd actually get the problem fixed... hey, what do you expect really? Ha! It's worse than when people reply to a group account asking to be removed from the mailing list when it says at the bottom of the original email who you should contact to be removed. Or when people hit reply-all when they should be doing just a reply. Some people are just so stupid... they never cease to amaze me.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

101 things about me

  1. Full name: Denise Bacher
  2. Date of birth: April 26 , 1984
  3. Height: 5'7''
  4. Parents: Bill & Donna
  5. Sibling(s): Bill
  6. Pet(s): Buddy and Sandy, my puppies
  7. What book are you reading: Currently nothing, hopefully that will change soon
  8. What time is it now: about 11 pm
  9. What's on your mouse pad: Don't have one, optical mouse baby
  10. What's your favorite board game: Twister... that is a board game, right
  11. Favorite magazine: Wired, Spin, Cosmo
  12. Tea or coffee: Coffee, duh
  13. Favorite sound: Thunderstorms (which we're having right now), friends' laughter, and the hum of a computer
  14. Worst feeling in the world: Finding out the person you love doesn't love you back
  15. First thing you think of in the morning: Usually how badly I don't wanna get outta bed
  16. How many rings before you answer the phone: 2 or more
  17. Favorite color: red
  18. What's the most important thing in your life: My friends and family
  19. Favorite food(s): Hot braised chicken, orange chicken, General Tso's chicken, pizza, tacos...
  20. If you could play an instrument what would it be: I can play the sax, but I think it'd be fun to learn piano or guitar
  21. Do you like to drive fast: YES
  22. Sleep with a stuffed animal: With Mr. Monkey sometimes, but he usually ends up on the floor
  23. Storms - cool or scary: Way cool
  24. What type is your car: '95 Dodge Intrepid
  25. Favorite alcoholic drink: Beer, rum and Coke, Sex on the Beach
  26. What's in the trunk of your car: Jumper cables, 1x2, windshield washer fluid
  27. What's your dream job: Working for Rockstar or Pixar... oh what a dream
  28. Ever been in love: Once
  29. Is the glass half empty or half full: What's in the glass?
  30. Favorite movie(s): Napoleon Dynamite, Kill Bill, Spiderman, LOTR, Top Gun, Princess Bride.... etc etc etc
  31. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: Yeah, usually
  32. What's under your bed: few boxes and my suitcases
  33. What's your favorite number: 7
  34. What's your favorite sport to watch: College basketball baby
  35. If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be: Somewhere where it's always warm
  36. What's your favorite article of clothing: Blue jeans and a hooded sweatshirt
  37. Beach, mountains or city: Oooh, tough, prob beach then city then mountains
  38. Technology or art: A sweet combination of both... can we say 3D animation
  39. Comedy or horror: Comedy, I'm all about the haha's
  40. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: Hands, eyes
  41. Favorite time of day: Sunset and right before I fall asleep
  42. Last CD you bought: Prob Cold Play, but I don't remember
  43. What's your favorite place to be massaged: Back, shoulders and calves
  44. What's more important, strong in the mind or strong in the body: Strong in the mind
  45. What time do you wake up in the morning: usually 6-7.... gotta work
  46. What's your favorite kitchen item: Microwave
  47. What makes you really angry: Stupid people
  48. Sports car, motorcycle or SUV: again, tough, toss up between the sports car and the motorcycle
  49. Do you believe in the afterlife: not really, I believe more in reincarnation
  50. What's your favorite season: Summer
  51. If you could have one super power, what would it be: I wouldn't want any, I'd probably just screw things up worse than they already are
  52. Can you juggle: depends on what we're juggling ;)
  53. What's your favorite day of the week: HUMPDAY! haha, j/k Friday's are my favorite
  54. Do you prefer sushi or hamburger: Chickens.... yum
  55. What's your favorite cartoon: Boondocks, Non Sequitur
  56. What's your favorite children's book: Dr. Seuss books
  57. Do you have a tattoo, where and what is it: Yes, on my back and of my little moon
  58. Do you have any piercings, how many: 7, 5 in the left ear, 2 in the right
  59. What's your favorite flower: Calla lilies... other assorted lilies, irises, orchids
  60. What's your favorite meal: Anything I didn't have to cook, I love it when someone cooks for me
  61. Describe your pj's: usually an over sized t-shirt and shorts
  62. What's your favorite ice cream: Cookies and Creme... or Ben & Jerry's Phish Food or One Sweet Whirled
  63. Favorite TV show(s): Simpsons, Futurama, Sex and the City, Friends, CSI
  64. How many email addresses do you have: 6
  65. Best Advice: Always be yourself
  66. Best Cliche: There is no "I" in "team"... to which I retort "There may be no 'I', but there certainly is a 'me'"
  67. Words and/or phrases you over-use: Oh yeah? Your mom and Whatever
  68. Have you ever been to jail: Nope, not yet *crosses fingers*
  69. What type of music do you listen to: Everything except country
  70. Political affiliation: Independent liberal
  71. Do you want to have kids: Nope
  72. Favorite restaurant(s): Little Tai Pei, Carlos 'o Kelly's, Chilli's, Red Lobster
  73. What sports do you like: Basketball and soccer. I hate football and baseball
  74. When you die, do you want to be buried or cremated: Cremated
  75. Do you believe in aliens: Yeah, it's a big universe for us to be the only ones
  76. What do you obsess over: School and grades
  77. Favorite kind of pizza: Sausage, and Chicken Supreme and Taco
  78. If you could live anywhere, where would you live: Arizona, basically anywhere warm
  79. What kind of guys are you attracted to: Tall, skinny, smart, intelligent, funny, a little nerdy
  80. Who is your favorite author: Terry Pratchett
  81. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be: I'd be smarter and more self confident
  82. If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be: I'd be more open with people
  83. Do you eat breakfast then brush, or brush and then eat: eat then brush
  84. Do you ask the person out, or wait for them to come to you: Depends, I'm more apt to drop subtle hints
  85. Do you mind paying for a date: Not at all
  86. What is most important in someones personality: Intelligence and a sense of humor
  87. Who's more important, family or friends: Both, I couldn't live without either
  88. Do you get stressed out easily: Yes
  89. Can guys and girls just be friends: I think so... but I also think it depends a lot on the 2 people and even more on the guy
  90. What's your dream car: I want a Mercedes or a BMW
  91. Do you smoke: Ew, no
  92. What's your favorite animal: Doggies
  93. Favorite candy: Gummy bears, Skittles, Milky Way
  94. If you could meet anyone, who would it be: Mahatma Gandhi
  95. What's your favorite drink: Diet Coke
  96. Do you believe in love at first sight: No
  97. Have you ever broken a bone: Yes, my right arm
  98. Do you use your hands when you talk: OMG yes!
  99. What's your favorite popsicle flavor: Cherry
  100. What's your favorite holiday: Last day of finals
  101. Do you sing in the shower: Wouldn't you like to know

I'm bored

I'm bored, and I was paroosing the news this morning and found an article about how Google is looking at how to make Blogger better by integrating it with Gmail. Well, this sparked my intrest because I *heart* Gmail. I was also going through some of my old emails, cleaning out my inbox and rediscovered Rust Boy. It's this little animated character that some guy, Brian Taylor, is working on, and you can learn how he does some of the stuff, and watch snippits that he's completed, it's really neat. Granted I find it neater than most because I have a passion for 3D animation. But the texturing is good, that's something I need to work on and learn better. Oh well, I still love
my panda, he's so funny.