Thursday, May 12, 2005

101 things about me

  1. Full name: Denise Bacher
  2. Date of birth: April 26 , 1984
  3. Height: 5'7''
  4. Parents: Bill & Donna
  5. Sibling(s): Bill
  6. Pet(s): Buddy and Sandy, my puppies
  7. What book are you reading: Currently nothing, hopefully that will change soon
  8. What time is it now: about 11 pm
  9. What's on your mouse pad: Don't have one, optical mouse baby
  10. What's your favorite board game: Twister... that is a board game, right
  11. Favorite magazine: Wired, Spin, Cosmo
  12. Tea or coffee: Coffee, duh
  13. Favorite sound: Thunderstorms (which we're having right now), friends' laughter, and the hum of a computer
  14. Worst feeling in the world: Finding out the person you love doesn't love you back
  15. First thing you think of in the morning: Usually how badly I don't wanna get outta bed
  16. How many rings before you answer the phone: 2 or more
  17. Favorite color: red
  18. What's the most important thing in your life: My friends and family
  19. Favorite food(s): Hot braised chicken, orange chicken, General Tso's chicken, pizza, tacos...
  20. If you could play an instrument what would it be: I can play the sax, but I think it'd be fun to learn piano or guitar
  21. Do you like to drive fast: YES
  22. Sleep with a stuffed animal: With Mr. Monkey sometimes, but he usually ends up on the floor
  23. Storms - cool or scary: Way cool
  24. What type is your car: '95 Dodge Intrepid
  25. Favorite alcoholic drink: Beer, rum and Coke, Sex on the Beach
  26. What's in the trunk of your car: Jumper cables, 1x2, windshield washer fluid
  27. What's your dream job: Working for Rockstar or Pixar... oh what a dream
  28. Ever been in love: Once
  29. Is the glass half empty or half full: What's in the glass?
  30. Favorite movie(s): Napoleon Dynamite, Kill Bill, Spiderman, LOTR, Top Gun, Princess Bride.... etc etc etc
  31. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: Yeah, usually
  32. What's under your bed: few boxes and my suitcases
  33. What's your favorite number: 7
  34. What's your favorite sport to watch: College basketball baby
  35. If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be: Somewhere where it's always warm
  36. What's your favorite article of clothing: Blue jeans and a hooded sweatshirt
  37. Beach, mountains or city: Oooh, tough, prob beach then city then mountains
  38. Technology or art: A sweet combination of both... can we say 3D animation
  39. Comedy or horror: Comedy, I'm all about the haha's
  40. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: Hands, eyes
  41. Favorite time of day: Sunset and right before I fall asleep
  42. Last CD you bought: Prob Cold Play, but I don't remember
  43. What's your favorite place to be massaged: Back, shoulders and calves
  44. What's more important, strong in the mind or strong in the body: Strong in the mind
  45. What time do you wake up in the morning: usually 6-7.... gotta work
  46. What's your favorite kitchen item: Microwave
  47. What makes you really angry: Stupid people
  48. Sports car, motorcycle or SUV: again, tough, toss up between the sports car and the motorcycle
  49. Do you believe in the afterlife: not really, I believe more in reincarnation
  50. What's your favorite season: Summer
  51. If you could have one super power, what would it be: I wouldn't want any, I'd probably just screw things up worse than they already are
  52. Can you juggle: depends on what we're juggling ;)
  53. What's your favorite day of the week: HUMPDAY! haha, j/k Friday's are my favorite
  54. Do you prefer sushi or hamburger: Chickens.... yum
  55. What's your favorite cartoon: Boondocks, Non Sequitur
  56. What's your favorite children's book: Dr. Seuss books
  57. Do you have a tattoo, where and what is it: Yes, on my back and of my little moon
  58. Do you have any piercings, how many: 7, 5 in the left ear, 2 in the right
  59. What's your favorite flower: Calla lilies... other assorted lilies, irises, orchids
  60. What's your favorite meal: Anything I didn't have to cook, I love it when someone cooks for me
  61. Describe your pj's: usually an over sized t-shirt and shorts
  62. What's your favorite ice cream: Cookies and Creme... or Ben & Jerry's Phish Food or One Sweet Whirled
  63. Favorite TV show(s): Simpsons, Futurama, Sex and the City, Friends, CSI
  64. How many email addresses do you have: 6
  65. Best Advice: Always be yourself
  66. Best Cliche: There is no "I" in "team"... to which I retort "There may be no 'I', but there certainly is a 'me'"
  67. Words and/or phrases you over-use: Oh yeah? Your mom and Whatever
  68. Have you ever been to jail: Nope, not yet *crosses fingers*
  69. What type of music do you listen to: Everything except country
  70. Political affiliation: Independent liberal
  71. Do you want to have kids: Nope
  72. Favorite restaurant(s): Little Tai Pei, Carlos 'o Kelly's, Chilli's, Red Lobster
  73. What sports do you like: Basketball and soccer. I hate football and baseball
  74. When you die, do you want to be buried or cremated: Cremated
  75. Do you believe in aliens: Yeah, it's a big universe for us to be the only ones
  76. What do you obsess over: School and grades
  77. Favorite kind of pizza: Sausage, and Chicken Supreme and Taco
  78. If you could live anywhere, where would you live: Arizona, basically anywhere warm
  79. What kind of guys are you attracted to: Tall, skinny, smart, intelligent, funny, a little nerdy
  80. Who is your favorite author: Terry Pratchett
  81. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be: I'd be smarter and more self confident
  82. If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be: I'd be more open with people
  83. Do you eat breakfast then brush, or brush and then eat: eat then brush
  84. Do you ask the person out, or wait for them to come to you: Depends, I'm more apt to drop subtle hints
  85. Do you mind paying for a date: Not at all
  86. What is most important in someones personality: Intelligence and a sense of humor
  87. Who's more important, family or friends: Both, I couldn't live without either
  88. Do you get stressed out easily: Yes
  89. Can guys and girls just be friends: I think so... but I also think it depends a lot on the 2 people and even more on the guy
  90. What's your dream car: I want a Mercedes or a BMW
  91. Do you smoke: Ew, no
  92. What's your favorite animal: Doggies
  93. Favorite candy: Gummy bears, Skittles, Milky Way
  94. If you could meet anyone, who would it be: Mahatma Gandhi
  95. What's your favorite drink: Diet Coke
  96. Do you believe in love at first sight: No
  97. Have you ever broken a bone: Yes, my right arm
  98. Do you use your hands when you talk: OMG yes!
  99. What's your favorite popsicle flavor: Cherry
  100. What's your favorite holiday: Last day of finals
  101. Do you sing in the shower: Wouldn't you like to know

1 comment:

The Humanity Critic said...

Just passing through, you have a cool blog by he way. Cool list, we have a lot in common.