Monday, May 16, 2005

Why insist on changing what works

Why is it suddenly a big deal that the minority can filibuster to keep things that they don't want to happen from happening? And why is this something that we now need to change? The majority (Republicans) in the Senate want to end a 200+ year right to filibuster judicial nominations, and to some extent any nominations by the president, which I don't understand. It's stupid, the right to filibuster was put in for a reason, so judges that are too conservative or too liberal can't just be pushed through. But because currently it's a conservative president and a conservative Senate they refuse to think about what it would be like if the situation is reversed. Eventually it's going to change, there will be new senators, a new president, and then what? Then they'll complain that they don't have the right to filibuster... but they'll be the ones who will have gotten rid of it in the first place. There is a reason things were setup the way they were, the minority needs to be protected, whether the minority be liberal or conservative, because their opinion matters too. It really scares me, the new trend of if we don't like something, lets just change the constitution so it works for us. Let's not think about the repercussions, or the rights we may be violating, we just want our way and we want it now.

On a totally unrelated note, I think the barrage of German spam that has been infiltrating my iastate email account has finally stopped! It's about time AIT fixed the problem. Sometimes I seriously wonder if they know what they're doing over there. Rumor has it that one of their web servers, or webmaster accounts, was some how infiltrated and was sending out tons of German spam. It was wonderful... checking my email and having over 100 new messages, most of which were in German. Supposedly the problem was fixed last night, but I still had about 20 when I checked first thing this morning... now they're just going to my spam folder. I wish they'd actually get the problem fixed... hey, what do you expect really? Ha! It's worse than when people reply to a group account asking to be removed from the mailing list when it says at the bottom of the original email who you should contact to be removed. Or when people hit reply-all when they should be doing just a reply. Some people are just so stupid... they never cease to amaze me.

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