Tuesday, June 07, 2005

So annoying!

So, have you ever been to a museum, art or otherwise, and have someone hover around behind you to make sure you don't touch anything or do anything you shouldn't be doing? Well, if you've never had that happen to you, consider yourself very lucky. I went to the St. Louis Contemporary Art Museum today, and I swear, every time I turned around there was someone standing about 5-10 feet away from me, watching me. And there weren't even very many people in there, and no small children. Common, I've been taught well enough that you're not supposed to touch the art work when you go to the museum. It totally ruins the viewing experience when there is someone hovering around behind you. But there were a couple exhibits I did enjoy. There were 4 all together; Kathrie Kuharic: The World Brought Low; Alexander Ross: Survey; and the 2 I enjoyed the most, Dzine: Punk Funk; and Ruby Osorio: Story of a Girl (Who Awakes Far, Far Away). Dzine is really abstract, bright colors, patterns, shapes etc. I loved it, it was so vibrant and alive. Ruby Osorio was completely different in contrast. All her art is done on paper, in ink and thread. The colors are much more sedate, and there is far more white space around her figures. Her stuff looks more like art you would find in a children's book. It's very beautiful, feminine and simple.

On a totally unrelated note, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, my home town, has the country's safest drivers. Now, growing up there, and learning how to drive there, and having driven other places, I already knew this. What slightly blows my mind is that Des Moines, Iowa is ranked 6th. There is a very stark contrast between how people drive in eastern Iowa vs how they drive in central Iowa. Granted. It's nothing compared to how they drive in Missouri or Illinois, but for Des Moines to be number 6 is a bit astonishing. Makes me wonder how they drive in other parts of the country... scary.

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