Thursday, June 02, 2005

You can find me in St. Louie...

So, I'm in St. Louis. I made the 6 hour drive from Ames yesterday with only one stop. I'm rather proud of myself. The drive wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. It was long, but it was divided highway most of the way. There was a stretch between Mt. Pleasant and Hannibal that wasn't, but there also wasn't much traffic. The only bad thing was I hit the skirts of St. Louis around 4:30... start of rush hour traffic. Bleh! But as soon as I got on I-44 it got a lot better. Overall Avenue of the Saints treated me pretty well. It felt really weird crossing the Iowa/Missouri boarder though. I don't know why, but it did. Leaving the apartment yesterday felt really weird to. I know I'll be back in only 2 months, and those 2 months are going to fly... but it still felt odd leaving. As much as I complain about how boring Ames is, I'm going to miss it. Or maybe not so much miss Ames, but miss some of the people there. You know who you are.

The people I'm staying with are really cool, K and Paul. They have a pool, and I love their dog. He's fun. They've made me feel right at home and like I'm part of the family. That in and of it's self is making this so much easier. It's nice knowing people who know their way around... I'd be lost otherwise. Like today, I don't think I would have made it downtown w/o getting lost if I hadn't been able to ask K how to get there first.

So, lunch today, I got to meet all the other interns that are going to be in the St. Louis office. Most of them I won't be seeing too much of. We all have different training. I and the other Advisory intern, Temi, have training in Somerset, New Jersey for a week. We leave June 12th and get back June 17th. So basically, I have all of next week do to whatever I want, get to know St. Louis a little better etc etc etc. I think tomorrow I'm going to go in, and get a tour of the office (I haven't been there yet) and maybe go to lunch with my buddy Craig. Then June 28th the office is closing at 3, and we're off until July 5th... and it's payed time off! SCORE! I dunno what I'm going to do yet, K and Paul are going to be gone July 2 - 10. Regardless, it'll be a nice little mini vacation. Maybe find someone who wants to go to Six Flags with me. That would be fun, I haven't been there for a few years, and I love their roller coasters.

Well enough rambling for now. I'm going to either go unpack some more or find something else to do. Later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Meet me in St. Louie, Louie... Meet me at the fair."

Good movie....watched it in my film class.