Monday, August 29, 2005

Score one for coffee

Yay for coffee! A new study shows that coffee is full of antioxidants that help fight cancer and heart disease. This totally validates my addiction. So now not only does it allow me to function in the morning and throughout the rest of the day, but it's protecting me from cancer and heart disease among other things trying to kill me :). Now, I know, I can't get buy just drinking coffee, I still need fruits and veggies and whatnot. But it's still pretty cool. YAY FOR COFFEE!! (ok, maybe I've had a cup or two too many already today)

Haha, in other news, it's just as I predicted. I've been back in Iowa about a month and I'm already itching to get out again. Ironic, isn't it? A month and a half ago I couldn't wait to get back, and I'm already ready to leave again. I don't make any sense. I think part of it's the whole school thing. I've been in class a week and I'm ready for the semester to be over. Physics 2 is the death! Plus that and everything else... I'm not going to get my soul back until mid December.... if then. And I seriously need to get my act together if I'm going to take the GRE's and apply for grad school. That and attempt to keep my grades up or I'm never going to get in. I'm insane for even considering grad school... what's wrong with me? Maybe I just need to get out for a few days or a weekend or something. I just don't know where I'd go or what I'd do.

And for my little random bit of the day check this out. It's totally funny, totally stupid, and absolutely hilarious.

Sunday, August 28, 2005


I love people who leave comments on your posts that don't make any sense. 1) They leave the comment on the wrong post. 2) They make no sense because the didn't really read your post and made all sorts of wild assumptions. 3) They leave it anonymously because they know full well they're being asinine. I mean, come on, if you're going to leave a nasty comment at least leave it on the right post and actually read and understand the post first.

Last night a whole bunch of use went to Boheme. It's this kinda dirty little cafe/bar/hole-in-the-wall. Anyway, on Friday nights they play international music, and so we go and we dance and have tons of fun. Last night was the first time I'd gotten to go in at least 4 months. I had missed it so much! I'd forgotten how much fun that place is, and how easy it is to just go there and forget about everything else and just have fun. And it was a little extra special because the last few times I had gone Pete (the Friday night DJ) had been playing more and more Latin music. This is ok, but not my favorite thing to dance to, and when that's all he plays all night it gets kind of boring. Anyway, I got mildly ambitious and put together a cd of stuff he doesn't play, and some new stuff, and gave it to him, and he actually played some of the tracks! This is totally cool, 'cause Pete won't play just anything. It also helped that I wore the sexy hat.

I've decided I need a pet. This isn't exactly an earth shattering, new idea. I want a dog, but that's not feasible right now because I'm not home enough to take care of a dog. Dogs need lots of attention, and someone who's around more than just popping in the apartment, grabbing different books, something to eat on the run, and then back out the door again. I really want a pocket-puppy, a small little dog that will never get that big, because I could take it some places with me, but still not everywhere. Left at home a dog would get lonely, so that's out for the next couple years. So, I've decided the next best thing would be a hedgehog. They're small, and cute. You can leave them home alone all day because they're semi-nocturnal and sleep during the day. From what I've read about them, the domesticated ones are very tame and friendly, not like a dog or a cat, but they will bond with you. And they're way cooler than a hamster. It probably won't happen, they're kind of expensive, and what am I going to do with it if I move to a state where they're illegal to possess. Doesn't change the fact that I need a pet, but I'm probably going to have to hold out a little longer.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Oops, my hotdogs

So, I've got a killer case of A.D.D this week. My mind has been in 20 million different places at once all week. I can't focus on anything for more than 5 seconds, I swear. . . . . . . See, just there, I got up and made myself a cup of tea. So now I'm back... what was I talking about? Oh yeah! My weird A.D.D this week. Yeah, like yesterday when I was in Gilman looking for the room my class was in. I was kinda wandering around because I haven't been in Gilman for a while and knew where the room was, but it was evading me at the moment. Nandita saw me wandering, and yelled at me, so I turn around and walk towards her. Now you know those double doors that have the bar/door jam separating them? And you know how wide institutional doors are? Yeah... so I'm walking back, and I'm walking through the door way, and I run into the metal bar that separates the doors. I didn't just brush up against it, or lightly graze it... no full shoulder ran into it. I even managed to bruise my arm a bit, which I noticed just now and this happened Tuesday. The worst part was there wasn't anybody within like 3 feet of me. I felt a bit stupid, but then I started laughing and Nandita started laughing, and we eventually remembered where the room was. Haha... and on Monday, we were coming out of Ross Hall, and it's on the East side of campus, and there are way too many doors in and out of that building, and I spin around once because I have no clue where I am and I'm trying to get my bearings so I can go to physics... and of course Nandita laughs at me again. There's a reason I avoid the East side of campus, I can never remember where anything is, and the people are scary. Today I saw this creepy skinny guy wearing cowboy boots, wranglers, this huge ass belt buckle and a cowboy hat. I was scared, I mean, for all I know he's gonna pull out his lasso and rope me or someone else.
Whoo! So I finished reading my CprE... still have more to read, but it's a start. Reading is so boring, and makes me so sleepy. I need to find something to listen to or do that'll help keep my attention while I'm reading. So yes... it has taken me well over an hour to compose this post. Oops, my hotdogs.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Invasion of the Retards

So last week everybody came back to l'Ames and ISU... talk about invasion of the retards. I swear, people have actually managed to get stupider over the summer. Thursday was by far the worst. There were people everywhere, and none of them know where they're going. It was especially annoying because I had places to be and knew where I was going and there were too many people in my way. The students who stay here over the summer know what's going on, but the ones who leave are totally clueless and completely stupid. Most of them should just be shot on the spot.

Later today, I was bored, and was checking out the ISU home page and re-discovered the link to the campus webcams, and found out that they made the one outside the MU a live feed! I was all excited, and I'm watching it, and I think to myself... the people look like little ants. And I keep watching and another thought comes to mind... I wonder if they go squish like little ants. And of course I share all this with Dita, and we come to the conclusion that we're anti-social and people are stupid. I need a t-shirt that says "I see stupid people". I especially need it on the east side of campus. That place is frightening.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Give it up already

So, I've got a new facebook stalker... and this one is actually more of a stalker, he just won't quite messaging me. And he's this doofy freshman football player. I hate football, and most football players are cocky jackasses. And this guy seems to fit the stereotype to a T. The way he writes says it all:

whassup ma? i dont know you but i just saw your picture and i was like damn! and i thought i would say hi and maybe get to know you. so now that i feel like a dumbass, how bout you tell me bout yourself...

And later, after I've sorta nicely tried to tell him to go away:
well what do i have to do to chill with you?

It's like... dude, just go away. You're younger than my lil bro, and you play football. Just quite already. Maybe if I ignore him he'll get the hint and go away, I prob already screwed up by responding back once.

(Insert witty segue) I was listening to internet radio this afternoon and heard Axel F - Crazy Frog. Now, I've already heard the little Nokia ring tone, and seen the little Nokia video, but I didn't know there was a whole song. And then to come find out, there's a full legth video that goes with! I have yet to find that, so if you've seen it somewhere, let me know. It's not better than the Numa Numa song and the fat kid (that's just great!), but it's right up there. It makes me laugh, and do a little stupid dance of my own. If you're still not fully entertained and could use a little more, try this one.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Reality TV has taken over the world

TV officially sucks, especially ESPN. Not only do they spend the entire college basketball season touting the "greatness" of the ACC, but they have now signed Bobby Knight to his own reality TV show. 'Knight School' is just one more show where a bunch of basketball hacks vie for their 15 minutes in the spotlight before they get laughed off the court. The premise of the show is 16 Texas Tech students enduring the "legendary" Knight practices for a chance to be a walk on in the 2006-07 season. Apparently, playing for Mr. Knight is a big deal, what with him being a legendary hot head and all.

Now if you hadn't already guessed, I am not a Bob Knight fan. I grew up a Hawkeye and had to deal with him in the Big 10. Watching Mr. Knight frequently throw tantrums, and even on occasion chairs, during games. Indiana finally had enough in 2000 and fired him. I couldn't have been happier. Later that same year Texas Tech named him their new head coach. Unfortunately at the time I was not thinking clearly about my future, and where exactly I was going to college. I ended up choosing Iowa State, and with it the Big 12... and got stuck again having to watch Bobby Knight basketball. Doh!

Friday, August 05, 2005

I'm Back!

Whoohoo! I'm back in the boring state of Iowa, and I couldn't be happier. I never thought I could miss it so much. I drove back Sunday, and it was so great to see real corn again. It was just nice to drive through Iowa. I missed the quiet, and the laid back attitude, and actually being able to see the horizon line. It was just wonderful, and made the 6 hour drive not so bad. Then today I rode my bike out to Kelly and back just for the fun of it. It was gorgeous... clear blue sky, corn/beans on either side of me, fresh air, and you could see forever. Only problem is, now my ass hurts from riding so far... and it wasn't even really that far.

In other news. Ashley's moved in, and we're having fun. We're gonna go shopping tomorrow when she gets home from work. We still are in need of a DVD player and a few other things. She works at Caribou Coffee in Des Moines, so we get free coffee sometimes, which is good for me. I don't function properly in the morning until I've had at least one cup. But yeah, she's so much fun, and I think we're going to have a great time living together. I'm still just so excited.

Stalker update (every girl should have one): still no word yet. I probably scared the crap out of him, that or he just has no cajones. It's very possible it's a combination of both. Either way, ruins all my fun. I so love messing with people. Oh well.

Classes start in a little over 2 weeks. I can hardly believe it, the summer went so fast. Our a/c was out the other day, so while we were waiting for someone to come fix it we decided to go find out what books we were going to need for the semester. We went to Campus Bookstore, and I instantly remembered why I no longer go there. For those of you who have been there, they'll make you check your backpack if you're carrying one, which is slightly annoying, but makes sense. All Ashley had was her purse, and this little green notebook with some company logo on it. The lady at the register stopped us and was going to make her check it, because apparently they carried some just like it, even though theirs didn't have any logos on them. It was so stupid, and she was such a bitch about it, we just walked out. That's not the first time I've had shitty service there. Last semester I was returning a book I didn't need, and I waited for 15 minutes before someone even asked me if I needed any help, and then it took another 15-20 minuets for them to track down the person with the key to the return register, and then that person couldn't come up right away, and apparently no one else can do returns. Needless to say, I was very upset by the time I got out of there, and vowed never to go back. Word to the wise, don't shop at Campus Bookstore.