Friday, August 05, 2005

I'm Back!

Whoohoo! I'm back in the boring state of Iowa, and I couldn't be happier. I never thought I could miss it so much. I drove back Sunday, and it was so great to see real corn again. It was just nice to drive through Iowa. I missed the quiet, and the laid back attitude, and actually being able to see the horizon line. It was just wonderful, and made the 6 hour drive not so bad. Then today I rode my bike out to Kelly and back just for the fun of it. It was gorgeous... clear blue sky, corn/beans on either side of me, fresh air, and you could see forever. Only problem is, now my ass hurts from riding so far... and it wasn't even really that far.

In other news. Ashley's moved in, and we're having fun. We're gonna go shopping tomorrow when she gets home from work. We still are in need of a DVD player and a few other things. She works at Caribou Coffee in Des Moines, so we get free coffee sometimes, which is good for me. I don't function properly in the morning until I've had at least one cup. But yeah, she's so much fun, and I think we're going to have a great time living together. I'm still just so excited.

Stalker update (every girl should have one): still no word yet. I probably scared the crap out of him, that or he just has no cajones. It's very possible it's a combination of both. Either way, ruins all my fun. I so love messing with people. Oh well.

Classes start in a little over 2 weeks. I can hardly believe it, the summer went so fast. Our a/c was out the other day, so while we were waiting for someone to come fix it we decided to go find out what books we were going to need for the semester. We went to Campus Bookstore, and I instantly remembered why I no longer go there. For those of you who have been there, they'll make you check your backpack if you're carrying one, which is slightly annoying, but makes sense. All Ashley had was her purse, and this little green notebook with some company logo on it. The lady at the register stopped us and was going to make her check it, because apparently they carried some just like it, even though theirs didn't have any logos on them. It was so stupid, and she was such a bitch about it, we just walked out. That's not the first time I've had shitty service there. Last semester I was returning a book I didn't need, and I waited for 15 minutes before someone even asked me if I needed any help, and then it took another 15-20 minuets for them to track down the person with the key to the return register, and then that person couldn't come up right away, and apparently no one else can do returns. Needless to say, I was very upset by the time I got out of there, and vowed never to go back. Word to the wise, don't shop at Campus Bookstore.

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