Saturday, July 30, 2005

A little bit of randomness

WARNING: The following blog is completely random.

So, I'm finally done with my internship in St. Louis. They didn't offer me a full time position when I graduate. For a fleeting moment I was a little disappointed. You know that "what's wrong with me" feeling, and the sting of rejection? And then I realized, wait, you didn't really like working here all summer, and you know this isn't really what you want to be doing after graduation, no need to be upset. So I'm off and running again... trying to figure out what I want to do after graduation. Sunday I will be making the long trek back to Ames... I'm excited, but in a way kind of sad. I've had a great time getting to know K and Paul. They're both such wonderful people, and I couldn't have asked for better people to live with. They are probably the best thing I've gotten out of this whole experience. Yeah, the internship was fine, I learned a few things, made good money, and it will look good on my resume. But if it hadn't been for them, my time here would have just been miserable. I'm going to miss them.

We went to an opera tonight, and just like that I can't remember what it was called. It was my first opera, and it wasn't too bad. It was in German, but I guess it isn't a more well know one, and the plot was a little confusing and kind of hard to follow. My mind started wandering a few times. Overall it wasn't bad, but I prefer plays and musicals. Usually they keep my attention better, and I find them more entertaining. It was still good though. I went with K, and her daughter, Margo, who is in town visiting for the weekend. Overall it was enjoyable.

And now for a totally random subject. I really dislike it when you call someone because you need to talk, and for whatever reason they can't talk at the moment and say they'll call you back, and then don't call back. I understand the not being able to talk initially, but I hate it when someone says they'll call you back, and then they forget. It's almost just mean. I'm making a bigger deal out of it than it is, but... sometimes you just need to talk to someone and not just anyone will do. Oh well.

OMG! This is so going to suck... I've been sleeping on a queen bed all summer, and just realized that when I go back to Ames, I'm also going back to my itty bitty twin bed. Oh, that sux0rz! Ha! I'll probably roll out and fall on the floor the first night or two. That'll be fun. :P

In a little bit of what I deem to be good news, Senator Frist has decided to back government-funded stem cell research. Of course, we all remember his threats of getting rid of the right to filibuster during some of the judicial nominations earlier this summer. That's still just completely asinine to me. The worst part is, it'll probably happen again with the new Supreme Court nominee, John Roberts. I'm not sure he's experienced enough to be appointed to the Supreme Court. That, and it's a life time position and he's only 50. Also, from what I have read about him, he's too conservative for my taste. But you never know what someone is going to do once they're on the bench, and he hasn't been a judge for that long... so who knows. It'll be interesting.

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