Thursday, July 28, 2005

I have a new stalker...

.... yes, a new "stalker". A facebook stalker to be more precise. I received this very odd, and totally random message on facebook the other day from some English grad student at ISU.


I have your facebook page bookmarked, and for the life of me, I can't remember why now. Perhaps it was a slip of the finger while randomly surfing my so-called social network, perhaps I meant to say something to you a few months ago and forgot, or perhaps... okay, those are the only two I can think of.

Regardless, I thought I would say hello. You do have an extremely interesting profile, so perhaps that's why you're bookmarked. Computers and creativity merged in a female form. A guy couldn't ask for much more.

That is all. Write back if you're bored. :)

I promise I'm not a stalker,

Now, if that isn't stalker-esqe I don't know what is. I wasn't aware that saying you weren't a stalker made it true. Those people from the East Side of campus are . . . different, to put it nicely. I laughed my ass off the first time I read it, and then I read it again... and laughed again. And I continue to laugh every time I read it. I couldn't resist responding. I had to, it was too good to pass up. It wasn't the nicest response... and in fact I took a couple cheap shots. I couldn't help it, it was too easy, and what can I say, that's just my style. What'll be interesting now is to wait and see if he has the balls to respond. That's just what I need... a new "stalker". Last fall there was "Creepy Stalker Chad", as I dubbed him. He was the guy from my software engineering class that just randomly stopped me on the sidewalk while I was walking home one night and said "Hi, Denise." It was early in the semester, and I had no clue who he was, it was well after class, and being the wonderfully witty person I am when caught off guard, I said "Should I know you?" Yeah... I really said it, out loud. And there are always just the typical, weird CS and CprE guys. They're kinda scary sometimes. So yeah... I have a new "stalker." It'll be interesting :)

In totally unrelated news, the heat wave in StL has finally broke. It's been around 100 here for the last week, but it rained last night and things have finally cooled down. I have 2 more days left of my internship, and will hopefully be back in L'Ames sometime Sunday. I can't hardly wait. For as much as I complain about it when I'm there (and even when I'm not), I've really missed it. Regardless, it will good to be back. Back where people don't drive like total idiots, only semi-idiots; where corn looks like corn, instead of this spindely stuff with ears and leaves; where people aren't obsessed with baseball; where all my friends are. I'm so excited, I can hardly contain myself. And just about the time I'll be getting really sick of it, and itching to leave again, it will be May and time for graduation. Hooray!

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