Sunday, September 11, 2005


So, I've got a little bit of insomnia going on, mostly due to the fact that my mind is going about a million miles an hour. It's mostly the whole grad school vs. real job thing. I have no idea what I want to do and career fair is in a week and a half, and I haven't signed up or even started studying for the gre's. I also haven't updated my resume, which I really need to get on, because I've had a couple people offer to give it to people they know. Mostly it boils down to I have no idea what I really want to do. Unlike I had hoped, the internship didn't really get me any closer to that point. If anything it may have set me back a bit... then again it did kind of show me what I don't want to be doing. Unfortunately IT and IT consulting is a lot of the market right now. I'm still just so scattered all over the place and haven't found that one thing (or even 2 things) that I'm good at and love. So along with the mountain of homework/work I have I need to start figuring out the rest of my life in the next few weeks. Not my whole life... just the next few years of it, which right now seems like a lot. It'd probably help if I had time to find me again.

There was other stuff I wanted to write about, but I'm no longer forming cohesive thoughts... so more later.

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