Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Sheep I tell you, they're all sheep! 43%... 43%!!! of Americans poled find that the press has too much freedom. Unbelievable! And only 14% of those polled know that the First Amendment entitles freedom of the press. How dumb can people possibly be? And to think that the press has too much freedom? Do they really want news media that is mandated by the government? Do they have any idea what that might be like? I can't, and don't even want to imagine what that might be like. It's bad enough with all the FCC regulations on tv and the radio. Wow, at the rate things are going right now we might as well just scrap the whole Constitution and start over again. Aparently it just isn't working out any more... too much free "liberal" press, the government minority is too vocal, hell, the minorities in general are getting out of hand, demanding all the same rights as majority citizens. Someone needs to stop them before things get out of hand and the other sheep wake up and realize what's going on. I mean, it's ridiculous, who do they think they are anyway? Ok, enough sarcasm... It just really irritates me that people can be so stupid and so uneducated. They're like lemures... whatever the head lemur does, the rest do. Oh well what are you gonna do other than point your finger and laugh later when they finally learn they're wrong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'll love the Real ID act then...
