Sunday, August 28, 2005


I love people who leave comments on your posts that don't make any sense. 1) They leave the comment on the wrong post. 2) They make no sense because the didn't really read your post and made all sorts of wild assumptions. 3) They leave it anonymously because they know full well they're being asinine. I mean, come on, if you're going to leave a nasty comment at least leave it on the right post and actually read and understand the post first.

Last night a whole bunch of use went to Boheme. It's this kinda dirty little cafe/bar/hole-in-the-wall. Anyway, on Friday nights they play international music, and so we go and we dance and have tons of fun. Last night was the first time I'd gotten to go in at least 4 months. I had missed it so much! I'd forgotten how much fun that place is, and how easy it is to just go there and forget about everything else and just have fun. And it was a little extra special because the last few times I had gone Pete (the Friday night DJ) had been playing more and more Latin music. This is ok, but not my favorite thing to dance to, and when that's all he plays all night it gets kind of boring. Anyway, I got mildly ambitious and put together a cd of stuff he doesn't play, and some new stuff, and gave it to him, and he actually played some of the tracks! This is totally cool, 'cause Pete won't play just anything. It also helped that I wore the sexy hat.

I've decided I need a pet. This isn't exactly an earth shattering, new idea. I want a dog, but that's not feasible right now because I'm not home enough to take care of a dog. Dogs need lots of attention, and someone who's around more than just popping in the apartment, grabbing different books, something to eat on the run, and then back out the door again. I really want a pocket-puppy, a small little dog that will never get that big, because I could take it some places with me, but still not everywhere. Left at home a dog would get lonely, so that's out for the next couple years. So, I've decided the next best thing would be a hedgehog. They're small, and cute. You can leave them home alone all day because they're semi-nocturnal and sleep during the day. From what I've read about them, the domesticated ones are very tame and friendly, not like a dog or a cat, but they will bond with you. And they're way cooler than a hamster. It probably won't happen, they're kind of expensive, and what am I going to do with it if I move to a state where they're illegal to possess. Doesn't change the fact that I need a pet, but I'm probably going to have to hold out a little longer.


Anonymous said...


Denise said...

Haha, no more fish. I'm tired of fish, that and fish are no fun.

Anonymous said...

this is impressive, you're ego is actually bigger than mine.