Tuesday, October 11, 2005

All your base are belong to us

So I don't have anything real or significant, just a few funny odds and ends. It has been decided that fobonics/chinglish/engrish, is probably one of the most hysterical spoken languages. And as most of you probably already know All Your Base Are Belong To Us is probably the funniest and most popular video demonstrating this. Also notably it has a very well documented and fairly long Wikipedia article which I find entertaining because it's so pointless.

Other random bits of entertainment:

  • Go to www.google.com
  • Search for "failure"
  • Click the "I'm feeling lucky" button
If it's still working it should take you here. If I hadn't been on campus I probably would have been roflmao.

Update: Studying (or trying to find time to) for the GRE's is not so much fun. If I want to get into grad school anywhere I'm going to have to do really well. But on the bright side, I know I want to go and I have a pretty good idea of where I want to go. I got my last (hopefully) degree audit from ISU!! *insert happy dance* And, I'm going to have enough time that I'll be able to pick up my Design Studies minor. Grimm, the adventure game I'm working on for one of my classes this semester, is owning my life. Ogre3D (rendering engine) doesn't play well with others. I've been trying to implement the gui stuff for the game and it's been giving me fits, I finally get one thing working and something else breaks. Talk about frustrating. It doesn't help that neither the Ogre nor the CEGUI (Crazy Eddie's GUI) have decent documentation or tutorials that make much sense. I'm getting closer, I know what the problem is, but I'm not sure how to fix it, it's an issue with a singleton object. Probably the worst part about this is this project has been in the works for 2-3 years, and we've got a November 15th deadline to get it entered in a competition. If it doesn't get done on time I think Chad's probably going to cry. But it will get done, things always do... kinda funny how that manages to happen, well, as long as we bust ass.

Take off every 'zig'!!

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