Tuesday, October 04, 2005

INTJ - that's what's wrong with me.

So I got this email today from WiSE (Women in Science and Engineering) today and there's some seminar series (which I will most likely not attend) about learning about yourself and choosing a job path. To sign up for this seminar series they first want you to take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, and I was a little bored, curious and it was only gonna take me 5-10 min so I took it. Turns out I'm a INTJ - Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging. A Mastermind Rational if you will. It doesn't explain why I am the way I am, but it does explain some of the "rational" behind some of the things I say and do... or don't say or do, depending on the situation.

In other news I'm about 90% sure I want to go to grad school, and I think I want to go for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) or some sort of computer graphics/game technology sort of master. Google and I have been digging around for schools with such programs, and I've got quite a list, but I'm having a slightly difficult time narrowing it down to my top 5 or so. There are 3 that really stand out: Carnegie Mellon, University of Pennsylvania, and Georgia Tech. And actually, when I got to looking at it ISU's HCI program isn't too shabby. I'll apply here, but mostly as a backup, I kind of feel like it's time for me to go and leave wonderful old l'Ames. Some others I'm looking into a little more are Purdue, Michigan, Virginia Tech, Washington University and DePaul. I dunno... I'm slowly getting there, which scares me, seems like I'm not moving on this stuff quickly enough. I really need to get on the ball if I want this to happen. Yeah, things will work out, but only if I push them... nothing is just going to magically fall into place. But the motivation is kicking in, so that's good. There are a few people's brains I'd like to pick about the matter, and I'll get to that too, which will help resolve a lot of this. I think it's all coming together finally.

I seriously need to stop writing so late... I start to lose all train of thought and end up sounding like a bumbling idiot. I guess that's not really much different than any other time of day though :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

interesting, i can see it but im the same.
