Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Told you I was allergic to Atanassoff

So as some of you may know I will on occasion, especially after spending many hours there, say that I'm allergic to Atanassoff, the computer science building. I have news for you for those of you who have scoffed at me and told me I'm crazy and that it's all in my head. I very well may be allergic to the building. I was talking to Gloria, the undergrad adviser, and it turns out that the building has closed air circulation to reduce the cost of heating and cooling. This isn't unusual by any means, but the current air has been in there 10ish years, and black or blue-green mold has started growing on some of the ceiling tiles in the basement, and possibly other parts of the building. Penicillin comes from the blue-green mold Penicillium notatum, and I'm allergic to amoxicilln which just so happens to be part of the penicillin family. So it's no wonder that after about 30 minuets to an hour of being in the computer labs in Atanassoff that I get all stuffy, sneezy and coughy. The mold probably isn't the only contributing factor. I'd be willing to bet there's a fair amount of dust and other things that I'm most likely allergic to that also help set me off. It's not a good thing that I'm allergic to the building because I spend a lot of time there, but at least now I know I'm not crazy in thinking that I am.

Basketball season starts in 18 days!!!!! I got my season tickets yesterday, it was so exciting! I can hardly wait. I love basketball season. It's the most wonderful time of the year. So I've already scoped some of the preseason rankings, and I must say we are sorely underrated. ESPN has us ranked 22 in the preseason pole, and something I read elsewhere has us finishing 6th in the Big 12. I'm calling bullshit, especially since ESPN has Iowa ranked 16th. They totally don't give us the credit we're do. We probably have one of the best backcourts in the nation, Blalock and Stinson rock! I'll give them that our frontcourt is a little shaky with Homan graduating, hopefully we'll have a good new big guy to take care of things. Hopefully I'll have time on Saturday to go to the shootout and scope out the team and the new players. Regardless of what the critics say, I'm psyched for the new season. I've got season tickets and from what I've read it looks like it's going to be a good and exciting season. Go Cyclones!

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Good thing I'm not allergic to any of those things since I hold the undergraduate record for total number of hours spent inside of Atanasoff. And no, I do not take pride in that fact.

I love basketball. My streak of attending almost every ISU men's and women's home basketball game possible for 5 years running is about to come to an abrupt and heartbreaking end however. I wouldn't graduate if I were you......