Friday, June 17, 2005

Intern Training

So, I’m sitting on the plane right now on my way back from training (posting later obviously). And I can’t sleep so I’ve decided to start on the evitable blog that is bound to be written anyway, might as well do it now since I have nothing better to do. Only problem is that since I’m in the air and I’m on a little itty bitty plane (try 3 seats across, ugh!), it’s kinda bumpy and consequently hard to type. But I’ll manage, I always do :). Training was fun, long, but fun. I met lots of cool people from all the different offices all over the country, hopefully all of whom I’ll get to see again at the end of the summer in Orlando! It was super cool hanging out with “my people” all week. You know, all the Com Sci, CprE types… nerdy/geeky computer people. It was great! They had us out in one of those hotel/conference centers in the middle of no where New Jersey. We spent way too much time in the hotel, not fun. I start getting a little stir crazy being cooped up indoors all day. But a couple nights we went down to the bar in the hotel and shot some pool and had some good quality intern bonding time. One night we went in to New Brunswick and hit one of the local college (Rutgers) bars. That was uber fun (more intern bonding time). Overall it was a good week. We leaned a lot about the company and the different groups within our branch. We also got a better idea of what we will be doing and what we’ll be working on this summer. Granted, by today, most of us were in information overload and nothing was sinking in. We were all standing out in the lobby waiting for our respective transportation, and the bunch of us just looked so dead tired and drained. Probably the coolest thing we did this week was get our laptops. Granted they’re hp’s which wouldn’t have been my fist choice. I was really hoping for a ThinkPad. No such luck :(. Regardless, it’ll give me a chance to use a laptop for a couple months and really decide if I want to shell out the money and buy myself something. One of the cool things about being an intern is we get some of the full time employee perks, like discounts on computers, cell phones, other techie type stuff, clothing etc., which is really cool. I’m gonna have to check it out later when I get home. I might finally be able to get my laptop or my pda. Yay! Oh, and the really crazy thing, is they already have me on a project Monday when I get back. I think I’m going to have to meet with clients Monday afternoon, and I have to be in around 7:30 so I can be debriefed before our little StL intern orientation so I can be prepared for the afternoon. Talk about throwing you in head first. Not even going to get a chance to get settled. But it’s probably a good thing for me. I’ve been bored and itching to get to do some real work. Ya know, I like flying. Looking out the window and all you see is the cute, fluffy tops of the little clouds. It’s like a whole other world up here. All blue and white, calm and peaceful looking and you can see forever. Ha! That was really random. But I’m tired, so it’s ok. I was sleeping while we were sitting on the tarmac in Newark, and I was asleep through take off, but unfortunately I woke up shortly after and now I can’t fall back asleep. Not that that’s a bad thing, I’ll just sleep all that much better tonight when I finally get home. And the randomness continues… I should probably just stop while I’m still ahead and before anybody thinks I’m too crazy, even though most people who know me already know that I am crazy. But that’s ok, maybe more later…

More later... So yeah, got back to St. Louis about 8:30 central time. And I'm in the airport waiting at the luggage carousel waiting for my bag, and I'm waiting and I'm waiting... and my bag still isn't coming around, and I'm starting to wonder wtf. Finally the guy at the little desk makes an announcement that there are unclaimed bags from the Newarkflight by the desk that had never even made it onto the carousel. Now, why would you do that? That is so annoying. Why would you only run about half the bags through on the carousel, that makes no sense to me. But whatever. Crazy airport. But yeah, it's really nice to be back in the Midwest again. Clean smelling air, fields... just a totally different atmosphere. As much as I complain about it, I miss it when I'm gone. That's kinda weird. You don't really appreciate a place until you have to leave it. Like Iowa, it's boring and blah blah blah... but now that I'm in Missouri I really miss it. I mean, yeah, it's just north, but it's so much different down here. Different corn, different roads, different just about everything. And the worst part is about a month after I get back I'll be complaining about it again. Oh well :)


Anonymous said...

well ain't that the case all the time... u always want what u don't have... even Iowa!!! :)

Anonymous said...


P.S. Please?