Monday, August 29, 2005

Score one for coffee

Yay for coffee! A new study shows that coffee is full of antioxidants that help fight cancer and heart disease. This totally validates my addiction. So now not only does it allow me to function in the morning and throughout the rest of the day, but it's protecting me from cancer and heart disease among other things trying to kill me :). Now, I know, I can't get buy just drinking coffee, I still need fruits and veggies and whatnot. But it's still pretty cool. YAY FOR COFFEE!! (ok, maybe I've had a cup or two too many already today)

Haha, in other news, it's just as I predicted. I've been back in Iowa about a month and I'm already itching to get out again. Ironic, isn't it? A month and a half ago I couldn't wait to get back, and I'm already ready to leave again. I don't make any sense. I think part of it's the whole school thing. I've been in class a week and I'm ready for the semester to be over. Physics 2 is the death! Plus that and everything else... I'm not going to get my soul back until mid December.... if then. And I seriously need to get my act together if I'm going to take the GRE's and apply for grad school. That and attempt to keep my grades up or I'm never going to get in. I'm insane for even considering grad school... what's wrong with me? Maybe I just need to get out for a few days or a weekend or something. I just don't know where I'd go or what I'd do.

And for my little random bit of the day check this out. It's totally funny, totally stupid, and absolutely hilarious.


Anonymous said...

You failed to mention that coffee also seems to enhance the effects of PMS. Just sayin ;)

Anonymous said...

Ohhh.....look at that! We have a comedian in our midst. One who not only won't take credit for their work, but also adds "Just sayin ;)" to the end of the joke in a vain attempt to reduce the nastiness of it. If you're going to leave anonymous comments you might as well not be a wuss about it...