Sunday, October 16, 2005


So it feels like forever since I last posted, but really it hasn't been that long. I think it's just that this has been a really really long week. Kind of the too much to do and not enough time to do it all in. I seriously think we need like 36 hour days, that way I could actually get my 8 hrs of sleep plus still have 28 hours to work.... wow 28 hours a day to work on stuff... that would be fantabulous. This having too much to do, and having group projects where part of the group doesn't do any work, or doesn't let any one else know that they've done any work till class time the day it's due, really eats up a lot of time. You spend time doing not only your part of the project, but theirs too because you don't already know they've done it. Really makes me mad, and it eats up a lot of time I should be working on other things. There are two other pretty big things I need to be working on, and unfortunately they're both "due" about the same time. I take GRE's Nov 10th, and Grimm is due Nov 15th. Those are my two really big things right now, and most of the time I don't feel like I have enough time for either, let alone one or the other.

The GRE's are especially plaguing me, I have no time to study for them, and if I don't do well there's no way I'm going to get into grad school. I'm not sure that even if I do do well on them I'll get in. Most days I think I probably won't because I'm pretty sure I won't do well enough on the GRE's to compensate for everything else. It's really going to come back and bite me in the ass too, because I'm putting off applying and interviewing for jobs so I can focus more on grad school, but I'm not having enough time to do grad school either. It's like my classwork is eating up all my time this semester, and I can't afford to let that happen. And the worst part is it really is all classwork, I haven't even had time to just go chill with my friends the last couple weeks. Consequently some of them are a little ticked at me because they feel like I'm just blowing them off, when in reality I'm blowing everybody off. That just makes things worse, because not only do I not get to hang out with my friends, but some of them make me feel guilty about it. The only time I get to see anybody is if it's in class or class related. Grrr! I don't know what to do. I'll probably end up working myself crazy so I have a better chance at the GRE's. In reality, no matter what I do it'll be wrong. If I take time to chill with my friends that's time I don't study and time I don't get much needed sleep. On the flip side if I study all the time I don't get to see anyone, and then people get upset with me. Pretty much a lose lose situation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should do what is best for your future, classes amd GRE's. The people that are really your friends will understand and still be there when the smoke clears. The friends that arent, at least in my opnion, arent worth having.

Jacob L